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  3. Vehicle donation: Make sure to send a picture of your donation to dutchie@cardinalnews.org.
  4. Sponsorships of our newsletters and website pages. Contact sherry@cardinalnews.org
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  6. Stock donations. Contact luanne@cardinalnews.org.
  7. Yes, we do accept checks. Mail them to Cardinal Productions, P.O. Box 4455, Roanoke, Va. 24015.

Cardinal Productions Inc., doing business as Cardinal News, is a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit built on the public broadcasting model and relies solely on donations and grants from individuals, corporations and foundations. Our EIN is 87-1532828.

As an independent news organization we maintain an impenetrable firewall between donors and our newsroom. We are strict practitioners of journalistic standards, and believe in full transparency. We do not accept anonymous gifts or any that appear to have the slightest of strings attached. Whenever we write about a donor who has contributed $5,000 or more, we disclose this in the story.

We publish the names and levels of all donors. We do so both to acknowledge and honor their commitment to quality journalism, and so that everyone knows who is supporting us. This list is updated frequently.

Read the full list of our inaugural year supporters.

Donor List

Publisher’s Circle: $100,000 and above

The Secular Society Carilion Clinic Dominion Energy Danville Regional Foundation Genan Foundation Harvest Foundation

Above the Fold: $50,000 to $99,999:

American National Bank Meta

Muckrakers: $10,000 to $49,999

Ballad Health Ben J. Davenport Jr. Dodson Pest Control First Piedmont Waste Solutions Katherine Nelson Fishburn Foundation Fund of Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia W. Heywood Fralin Marvin Gilliam Debbie Meade Morris Family Foundation NewsMatch Baron P. Schwartz and Lynn Rainville Walter and Sally Rugaber David Wine

Newshounds: $5,000 to $9,999

Jim and Sharen Branscome Richard Gilliam Anna Lawson Madwoman Project Fund at the Charlottesville Area Community Foundation Virginia Highlands Leadership Fund

Pundits: $1,000 to $4,999

Correspondents: $250 to $999

Editorial Assistants: Less than $250

Complete list of donors