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Thank you for your support of Cardinal News.

Donors to Cardinal News are making independent journalism possible in Southwest and Southside Virginia, allowing for a more informed and vibrant community, strengthening local democracy  and ensuring our state’s leaders understand our community’s people and issues. 

We truly cannot do this without you.

The details

Cardinal Productions doing business as Cardinal News is a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit. Our EIN is 87-1532828. We understand that not all gifts can be made electronically. Checks can be sent to P.O. Box 4455, Roanoke, VA 24015. We are grateful for your gift in whatever form is comfortable to you. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for this gift. Please contact Luanne Rife if you would like to make a donation of stock or need more information: or 540-467-2189.

Manage your Membership Account: Log in to the My Account page to update your credit card number or donation amount.