What is Cardinal News?

We are an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan online news site. Our mission is to report the untold stories of Southwest and Southside Virginia, and strengthen the voices of the people in our communities who have been sidelined in the commonwealth’s political, economic and cultural conversations simply because of where they live.

What’s your coverage area?

If you’re familiar with Virginia’s places, imagine a line that runs from Lexington to Lynchburg to Farmville to Mecklenburg to Danville and then everything west to the Cumberland Gap – roughly the western third of the state that is south of I-64.

If you aren’t as familiar with Virginia’s places, take a look at our logo. We basically cover all the blue area to the west of the cardinal.

These regions are known as Southwest and Southside Virginia. They are very different from each other, but share many things in common. Among them: They’re increasingly left behind in a state that’s dominated by the urban crescent from Northern Virginia to Hampton Roads and they’re both faced with inventing new economies after traditional employers have declined. They’re also left behind by legacy news organizations that have cut their staffs deeply and no longer support in-depth reporting. Our mission is to provide that in-depth reporting.

What’s the best way to find out about the latest stories?

You can visit our website as often as you like. We suggest that you also sign up for our morning newsletter. It’s free, shareable, and arrives before your first cup of coffee. We also offer a Saturday newsletter for those who prefer catching up on the week’s events.

I have a news tip. How should I contact you?

You can send an email to news@cardinalnews.org. An editor will read it. You can also reach out directly to any of our reporters. Just use their first name before @cardinalnews.org.

How much does it cost to subscribe?

Nothing. Anyone can view any and all of our content at anytime for free. We believe strongly in the principle that people need independent, unbiased information about their communities in order for their communities to be vibrant. We also believe that cost should not be a barrier to information.

So how are you funded?

We’re funded by you. We operate on a public broadcasting model; we rely on donations from foundations, corporations and individuals. If you’d like to make a donation, you can go through our online donation portal or send a check to Cardinal Productions, P.O. Box 4455, Roanoke, VA 24015. We are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contact luanne@cardinalnews.org for more information or if you would like a copy of our 990 or financial audit. Please note that donations have no influence on our coverage.

We also offer sponsorships of our newsletters and website. Contact sponsorships@cardinalnews.org for more information.

Who are your donors?

You can find a list on our “how we’re funded” page. Our bylaws require us to disclose all donations of $100 or more.

How can I be assured the coverage will be editorially independent?
We’ve written this into our bylaws. We’re led by and have hired respected journalists. We have been accepted into membership by the Institute for Nonprofit News and LION Publishers. We are also members of the Virginia Press Association. We are not an advocacy site for any cause or ideology, except perhaps our belief that Southwest and Southside Virginia deserve a voice. Ultimately, the proof is in our work.

Who’s on your board?

You can find a list of board members on our “Staff and Board” page.

Won’t this hurt local newspapers?
Our business model and mission differ from legacy print. We have not set out to take from them, rather to provide our communities with stories that aren’t being covered by other news media. Our morning newsletter, in addition to showcasing our own stories, links to key stories others have reported in the region, so we might drive some traffic to existing newspaper websites.

How do you handle corrections?
We correct all mistakes. When we learn of an error, we will correct the story and append a clear and concise note stating a correction was made. The correction will also be published in the following day’s newsletter. To request a correction, email news@cardinalnews.org.

Can you tell my group about Cardinal News?

To book a speaker, please send an email with the name and location of the organization and the date requested to news@cardinalnews.org.

While we enjoy speaking to groups, we cannot accept invitations to moderate forums or to speak at fundraisers that are organized by political or advocacy groups.

Do you accept op-eds or commentary?

While our focus is on news, we do accept a limited number of commentary submissions, provided they relate directly to our coverage area and come from subject matter experts on topics that we cover. For more information, contact editor Dwayne Yancey at dwayne@cardinalnews.org

Are you hiring?

Yes. Check out our careers page to learn more about the roles Cardinal News is currently hiring for. Tell us about yourself by sending an email to jobs@cardinalnews.org.

In addition to staff positions, Cardinal News regularly contracts with experienced freelancers and pays competitive rates.

Cardinal News is an equal opportunity employer. We shall not discriminate and will not discriminate in employment, recruitment, board membership, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, or for any other discriminatory reason.

Inquiries should be directed to jobs@cardinalnews.org.